Jun 20Liked by Lucia Hawley

Really love this one!!!

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Just loved this Lucia! So lovely ❤️

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Thanks Ali Xxxx

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Jun 19Liked by Lucia Hawley

This was such an important reminder…and *I love* reading your blog Lucia!!

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Hansi, thank you so much. You made my morning. I am so glad you enjoy my work. It means a lot xx

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Jun 19Liked by Lucia Hawley

Hi Lucia, it's Ingeborg from the 7.07 OFS class (many lifetimes ago now it seems). It has been so fun passively following your journey on IG!

To the point, I must say that I love this piece! Having just started my 'adult' life with a new job I would have only dreamed about 5 years ago I relate completely to everything you're describing in this blog post. Also having been fortunate enough to have been on so many adventures over these past 5 years, the constantly looking forward to something else does indeed feel like you're not fully embracing the moment. The tweet you shared hit hard!!

I love reading your blog so even if 'barely anyone' reads it, the ones that do definitely enjoy it a lot. Congratulations on the move, looking forward to seeing your future adventures too!

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Wow, hi Ingeborg!! It is so lovely to hear from you - this feels like such a full circle moment. I am so pleased to hear that you are doing well and am equally glad that you could resonate with this piece. It honestly means the world to me that you read my work!!!! Are you in Norway now? Sending lots of love. If you are ever in Sydney, reach out. X

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